Zero to $100k in 12 months with Kavit Haria Ep59


Zero to $100k in 12 months sounds pretty crazy.  I have to admit there was some scepticism when I first learned about Kavit and his company through a referral from a fellow podcaster Fabienne Raphael ( EP44 ) that I should have him on the show.  Well Kavit quickly dispatched that doubt by breaking down the process he used to help people achieve that level of success.  I asked Kavit to talk about one of his case studies and whilst he was describing how he helped Keturah I looked her up and found her brand online.  It's called Trapped to Transformed and you can jump ahead and listen about the case study here => [spp-timestamp time="30:10"]

Kavit helped this struggling Mom go from zero to $100k in 12 months and it was obvious she was doing well with her brand.  If you visit the site you'll witness the well thought out process and strategies spelled out in this interview.  In addition Kavit breaks down how to build a successful a coaching business and stand out from other coaches by showing us all how to find clarity around our messaging.

[spp-tweet tweet="The Clarity of your vision depicts the level of success you have - Kavit Haria"]

A few things you will discover in this interview

  • The importance of discovering clarity in your vision for where you want your business to be.
  • How much simple actions that others won't take can pay off big.
  • What booking music gigs can teach you about selling and marketing yourself by celebrating others.

In the last episode, #58, you heard from Shola Abidoye digital nomad and Start-up entreprenure talk about controllable, repeatable, scalable, predictable results."
To Connect with Shola Online:


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Music Artist in Episode:

Singleton Singleton was so generous to give me permission to use their music on this podcast so make sure to check them out. Also like them on Facebook: Like Singleton on Facebook

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