A Call to Action

I often get the question " Vern how do I get people too ___________ Fill in the blank.  Usually it's sign up for my list, or follow me back or to connect with me on LinkedIn.

It's pretty simple actually when you think about it.  It's a Strong Call to Action! You would be surprised at how often this little thing is over looked and not executed on.  If you want more people to follow you then ask them to follow you but first make sure you're providing some type of value that makes them want to follow you.  C'mon now you have to provide some value don't you?

For example if you want people on your email list do the following:

  • Create awesome value with a report or great advice
  • When you give that advise  or provide the thing you are giving away don't require an email to get the advise. (this varies)
  • Include a link in your report usually at the end asking them to sign up for your list, newsletter or whatever you call it.

You will be shocked at the opt-in level you get by giving first then inserting a call to action with exactly what you want them to do.  Surprisingly people don't always feel they have permission to share your content, follow you or join your list so it's up to you to let them know it's okay and you want them to interact with you.

As always I would love to know what you think so please comment below.  Also Sign up for Vern's VIP List by clicking Vern's VIP List and I'll send you something special in addition to the link you're going to receive for signing up for my VIP List.

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