A Recipe for Success with Chef Charles Carroll

THE RECIPE, by Olympic gold-medalist Chef Charles Carroll and New York Times bestselling author John David Mann, is a tale of heartbreak and redemption.  It should be considered, a meditation on great food and secrets of the kitchen.  If that's not enough, this work as a life manual, all wrapped together into one compelling, un-put-downable story.

It really blew me away! George Foreman, you know the former world heavyweight champion and the Forman Grill Pitch man has declared it “An instant classic.” Michael Port, the television actor and bestselling author of The Think Big Manifesto and Book Yourself Solid, calls it, “A blueprint for transcending limitations and living a big life” and adds, “The Recipe will speak directly to your heart and help you find your way.” My guest today is the book’s co-author, Chef Charles Carroll, executive chef of the prestigious River Oaks Country Club in Houston, Texas. Chef Carroll has a unique perspective on success, greatness, and what it takes to create amazing teams.

He took his first Culinary Olympics gold medal — the first of many — at age 24 and has participated in eight different Olympics over three decades. As executive chef at one of the highest-rated country clubs in the nation, he manages and mentors a team of seventy-five, in six kitchens and three restaurants, putting out eighty to a hundred banquet functions per week — and maintains an unshakable sense of team morale and family spirit in the process.

Needless to say, I feel lucky to have had him visit the podcast to talk about the process of writing The Recipe and the lessons it contains.

Connect with Chef Carroll:

New Partnership: Media.net

As you know I'm always working to bring new sponsors to the show that will provide value and help your business.  That's why in October whilst attending Fincon (Financial Bloggers Conference) I met up with the people from Media.net to talk about how they could help me and my audience.

So here's the great thing about Media.net, the support it truly over the top.  I've dealt with ad networks before that would provide contextual ads or ad blocks that either was very intrusive or took too much work to get the ads to be relevant for my visitors, and not just a cookied ad that followed them around.  Admittedly I was reluctant to introduce an ad block or any sort of ad to my site until looking at some of the people Media.net was working within the blogging world.  Once I saw blogs and the people I respect were Media.net Ambassadors I was in!

So all I'm asking of you as a visitor to the site and as a listener of the podcast is that you check them out via my link and give a few of the ads a try.  Just click on the link to go to my custom page https://media.net/vernon 

Our featured sponsors for this episode Are: Podbean.com &  Videoblocks.com

More Than Sponsorship

As you all know Podbean is a long-time sponsor of the show and of my Podcast.  Not only does Podbean sponsor the podcast they're one of my best clients.   That's right a client!  When I first started using Podbean as a podcaster, I had been having some issues with my website and my feed.  Mostly because my feed address was my site address.  If you host on WordPress and your site goes down for any reason or gets hacked (both happened to me) your Podcast is down until the site is back up.

Really, Not Now!

When you land a sponsor, let's just say they're already nervous about working with you and are looking for that episode to drop when you say it's going too.  Your site being down for the count just comes across as you the podcaster not really being professional.  So I lost a sponsor when my site went down and it took two days to recover the site and get it back online.

That's where Podbean stepped in, the reached out after a Tweet where I vented about being hacked and my podcast feed being down.  They asked me to host on Podbean and offered to sponsor it for a year!  I was in of course, who doesn't want free podcasting right?  Now there's some backstory that you'll have the opportunity to find out later but let's just say building relationships matter.

So my recommendation to try out Podbean for 30 days risk-free trial comes from a place of experience and satisfaction with the service and quality Podbean delivers.  Just click the following link to check them out: http://podbean.com/VR

Master Your Message is Waiting For You and available at any of these fine retailers below.  Just click on a name to order.

Master Your Message - The Guide to Finding Your Voice in Any Situation.  My book leads you through my journey to find my voice along with some very notable mentors like Chris Brogan, Patrice Washington and Matthew Turner that have been a big influence in my life.

Music Artist in Episode:  Singleton Singleton was so generous to give me permission to use their music on this podcast so make sure to check them out. Like Singelton on Facebook: Like Singleton on Facebook

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