Chris Brogan Freaks, Weirdos and Entrepreneurship Ep21

Chris Brogan

Are you a Freak?  No silly not that kind of Freak!

You know what I mean.  You're obsessed with a certain passion about "that thing" you love to do.  However turning that into a business is a different story.  You have the passion and the drive to push your idea forward, but you're missing one important element

A Framework!

That's what The Freaks Shall Inherit the Earth is all about.  Don't worry this isn't just another book review interview guys. C'mon you know me better that that.

Specifically we cover:

  • Why you have to understand what your standard  and definition of success.
  • How to stop doing things that aren't working in your business.
  • The formula for finding out your "Why"
  • Chris states "The future is made everyday, the future is now"

We also talk about how to know when you have taken the next step at becoming "Pro" and how to deal with the emotional acceptance of success.

And so much more


Books to Read

The Freaks Shall Inherit the Earth - Entrepreneurship for Weirdos, Misfits and World Dominators

The War of Art - Steven Pressfield


Find Chris Brogan online:

Twitter @chrisbrogan


Chris on the web:

And for want to be fitness buffs check out

Chris publishes this site and has a super talented team that's producing some really goo articles on on health, fitness and diet.


Show Sponsor

Duda Mobile is a sponsor to the show!  Click the Link Below to Check them out.

Create a responsive website today at DudaMobile. Save $20 on an annual DudaOne subscription at DudaMobile with code ross20!


I host a free coaching call every other Friday which started May 16th, 2014 so the next one is tomorrow. These calls are 30 minutes free for the live call but limited to only 10 people on the call.  If you miss the call a recording of the call is available to members of the coaching club which is hosted at Sign up now for the Free Webinar June 8th! is launching June 8th and is a membership based site dedicated to helping you with your business in an affordable group coaching setup.  

Free Friday Coaching is a low cost way for people that want high performance coaching but can't afford high dollar coaches.  Members of the site get access to all calls plus special access to exclusive content, experts and beta access to new programs,  So visit to get more information.  Click #FreeFridayCoaching to register for the Webinar.


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Featured Artist:


Singleton was so generous to give me permission to use their music on this podcast so make sure to check them out.

Also like them on Facebook: Like Singleton on Facebook

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