YouTube Domination with Chris Cerrone

Chris Cerrone

Would you walk away from over 100k job to pursue your passion?  Why Not?

This episode is jam packed with stories about my friend Chris and how taking risk is the only way you will move forward in your journey.  We touch on how despite fear, doubt and limiting beliefs why getting off your butt is always the best option.

Chris has a wildly successful YouTube Channel and has been crushing it on YouTube since 2008.  You're also going to learn so many nuggets about YouTube and how to be successful on this platform.  It's easier than you think!

Check out below what else we talk about in this episode.

Specifically you will learn:

      • Why every business(not just small) should have a YouTube Presence
      • How to connect with your audience on Youtube, and what not to do
      • We discuss how goes with your gut is essential to success

And there's so much more

"Click Here to Tell Chris He Crushed it on the Show!"

Resources and Links in this Episode Include:

Legend of the Blue Ice Cream Truck:

Savvy Sexy Social: 

Check out all the place you can find Chris online:

Cerrone Show:

Connect with Chris:



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Featured Artist: Singleton

Singleton was so generous to give me permission to use their music on this podcast so make sure to check them out.

Also like them on Facebook: Like Singleton on Facebook

Songs: Get Out of My Mind -Album The High Seas

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