Breaking Out Of The Confines of Fear Ep 31

Confines of Fear

Fear grabs you and won't let go. This happens most often when you're starting something new.  Wouldn't you agree?

There are plenty of people that will tell you to push past the fear, be fearless!  Soldier on!  Well you won't get that from me.  In my experience I embrace my fear to keep in in check.

Stay with me on this.  So you have this feeling and it starts in the pit of your stomach.  It's like that time you had to get on stage for the first time, or talk about something that was uncomfortable or you just miss hitting another car in traffic.  Yes that feeling!  Do you feel it?

Fear was designed to keep us alive and keep us aware.  Without fear we wouldn't know when danger was close.  Embrace the feeling and allow it to become your barometer so you know that what you are about to do is worthwhile and that's you're doing something that takes you outside of your comfort zone.

Breaking free of the confines of fear mean that embracing that fear and despite your feelings that tell you that you're not ready or that you're not good enough you take that next step, open that door or speak into that mic and communicate your greatness.

Tune in every Monday for an episode of Mindset Monday.

Here's a bit of of bonus for you.  Life happens and you can't always get the things done that you need to get done when you want to do them.  That happened with very episode.  i record these normally on Sunday but this week that didn't happen.  It's ok though because you are still going to have the show and hopefully my message today helps you with your Tuesday!

I do have to say I was a bit afraid to put this out late but better you have it than not so I acknowledged my fear and took action.

The Ben Howard song I mentioned in the show


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