SSP 010 Oh So Pinteresting


Curious about Pinterest? What about course creation?

Cynthia and I tackle everything from Pinterest tactics for getting found to creating your first information product.  I had so much fun talking with Cynthia durning this session.  We covered everything from creating a course to talking about Pinterest and the best strategies to use for expanding your business and your brand on Pinterest.

I think one of the things you're going to get from this interview is just how much Cynthia cares about her audience and the people she serves.  She was totally transparent about what it takes to build her business, her challenges and her struggles. If you've ever considered going online and starting your own business listen to how Cynthia took an experiment to figure things out and turn it into a full time business.

In this episode you will learn about:

    • How doing what feels right is your best Pinterest strategy
    • Why it's ok to go small with quality than just for the money.
    • Cynthia's top three tips for crushing it on Pinterest

Resources and Links in this Episode Include:

Noah Kagan -

 Phil Derksen - "Pin it" plug-in for WordPress 

 Connect with Cynthia:


Twitter: @OSPinteresting



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Music in this episode comes from: A Very Badgerland Christmas 2011 Artist Live Action Fezz  Great stuff so please check them out.

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