Declaring Your Personal Power Ep 35

Motivation Manifesto

Are you living at the highest level of joy and conscientious you're capable of?

Is your life an expression of your true self?  If not why not?

Over the past few days I've been considering both of these questions in my own life and I would have to answer no to both.  Although I'm working toward a this type of life I've not gotten there yet so of course I asked why.  for me and maybe even you we don't ever make a "Conscience Choice" to declare our personal power and claim what is rightfully ours

That's freedom.  Now I'm not talking about reckless abandon and walking away from everything you're working on or that you've worked for.  I'm talking about living how you want an on your own terms emotionally.   Freedom isn't about not having responsibility or selfishly pursuing only the things you want to work on.  It's claiming your right to be happy and joyful and fully awake in the moment!

If you want to change the quality of your life you have to take back control of your life.

Remember back when you were in grade school in those very early grades you know kindergarden and first grade when you were excited during attendance just waiting for the teacher to call your name so you could say "Present" or "Here"  It's time to do that in your life, It's time to raise your hand and declare to yourself,  "I'm here! I'm present"

This past week I've been reading The Motivation Manifesto and going through the course.  If you're not familiar with the work it's from author, speaker and high performance coach Brendon Bruchard and so far it's one of the best books I've read to date.  Brendon goes deep into claiming back your personal power and making declarations.  There are nine total declarations in the book and each one will take you on a journey of self-discovery that will challenge you and I feel could change your life.

Early last week I sent a couple of email about the book giveaway which is actually ending soon so that you could also take advantage of  the  free book and course.  Many of you did but I know that many of you didn't. Well it's not too late and you still have time to sign up for your copy here

In the interest of full disclosure I don't make any commission from you ordering this book via my link.  You do have to pay $7 shipping, but this is a hard bound actual book so the shipping is just that shipping.  My motivation is for you to also have a transformation in your life and to claim back your personal power.

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Featured Artist:

Singleton Singleton was so generous to give me permission to use their music on this podcast so make sure to check them out. Also like them on Facebook: Like Singleton on Facebook

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