Black Women Millionaires with Dr. Venus Opal Reese Ep50

Dr. Venus Opal Reese

A great mentor is a hard to come by so when you run into one you must take advantage. Wouldn't you agree?

So would you take advantage of a mentor that teaches people how to become millionaires?

Well we have a treat for you in this episode in Dr. Venus Opal Reese.  It's not secret that Dr. Venus had a very in her words "violent history" and ended up on the street at the really tender age of 16. However from there she's risen to amazing heights within 14 years with a 2nd Masters Degree and a Ph.D. from Stanford University.  Her speciality is creating millionaires and specifically creating black women millionaires.

Did she pull herself up by her bootstraps?  No as she states, she was "Loved through it"  Are you curious on how that happened and who her hero was?  Click here to find out

Some of the things we learn in this interview are:

Self Esteem money  which based on self-esteem is an Internal evaluation of yourself based on your feelings, thoughts, and beliefs and even lived experiences.   Basically it’s you talking to you about how you feel about you.  This can get you to a certain level of wealth but not take you to millions.  Making that type of income takes a different approach.

Self-Worth money in which you use more of a valuation method or an external assessment of an asset to a community group or market. This is about you understanding that you're a new market not a commodity.

In addition I get personal in this episode go deeper into my background than you've ever heard before.  We talk about using your story and leading with your heart.  Dr. Venus demonstrates with my back story on how powerful sharing your journey has true power and can change your life and your business.

Keep reading for some great quotes and how to get in touch with Dr. Venus

Quotes From Dr. Venus

  • Survival Strategies that are keeping your ideas in place so that you are safe.
  • Don’t make money on you skill. Make money on you story.
  • Align yourself with people who believe what you believe and not what you do.
  • Pimping your pain for profit.
  • Your million dollar money maker is not located in your brain it’s located in your pain, were life broke your heart.
  • Price, package and position yourself you never have to worry about money again.
  • People don't want your skill they want your heart.
  • If you want to make money you have to heal your heart.

To Connect with Dr. Venus:

Links Mentioned in the Episode: - A very generous $497 dollar gift from Dr. Venus to help you get started on your journey to making millions. Exclusive from her Get Money Training - Bringing in New Money with the Skills you Already have. - 16 of the world’s most accomplished, authentic, and accessible sisters to reveal their private internal transformations (as well as some top tips) so YOU can discover what it REALLY takes to make millions, reach millions, and serve millions.

Forbes Article - What Do Black Women Millionaires Do Differently?

Let's Snap Together


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Featured Artist:

Singleton Singleton was so generous to give me permission to use their music on this podcast so make sure to check them out. Also like them on Facebook: Like Singleton on Facebook

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