Too Busy To Eat with Greg Zuffelato EP60


Greg Zuffelato’s passion for helping people to be healthy and to get more out of life has led to the founding of two companies: Too Busy To Eat and BizFit, a Corporate Wellness company. In both companies, Greg uses nutrition to change the lives of people all over the world.

[spp-tweet tweet="The goal is how do you get people from curious to committed"]

Here are the highlights of my conversation with Greg:

  • [spp-timestamp time="12:00"] Greg shares how he got into nutrition and fitness. From being quite the lanky college basketball player, he gained 70 lbs. in two years after college. He just knew he had to shape up, literally, so his struggle with weight became his starting point in this career. Listen as well as he talks about how a friend challenged him to make it into a viable business.
  • [spp-timestamp time="17:00"] Greg’s background from being an athlete, his college background on chemistry and physics, then moving on to become a pastor and counselor. He shares how it was the right blend to succeed in the nutrition and fitness arena where providing effective help, coaching and support are essential to keeping that weight off.
  • [spp-timestamp time="20:12"] Greg talks how his nutrition bars came into being. Interestingly, 75% of people who join his fitness program are moms who are trying to reclaim themselves but are just too busy. This superfood is vegan and best of all, moms can give it to their children and its taste is good enough that kids could like it.
  • [spp-timestamp time="24:00"] Greg shares the nitty- gritty details of coming up with a nutrition bar. He talks about where to find the people who specialize in this field, from his idea to their execution of the idea, to manufacturing then to marketing. Watch out for how Greg did it with an amazingly low capitalization.
  • [spp-timestamp time="30:00"] How does one break ground in the nutrition and fitness business? Greg shares how he chooses his campaign locations, how he reaches out to specific niches such as moms, educators and corporate business people. His packaging of the fitness business on the corporate level is an eye opener on the spectrum of opportunities that this niche can offer. Getting the product to the right people is always a dilemma too. Greg shares how he does it through persistence. Listen to him talk about how his type of persistence works.
  • [spp-timestamp time="36:00"] Greg explains when to use motivation and when to use information. He shares the importance of knowing the difference when giving speeches on self-improvement or getting people to join wellness programs or simply presenting a fitness program to a corporation.
  • [spp-timestamp time="40:00"] Greg shares how social media has helped his business. Referral program is good but Greg finds it clunky. Listen how he analyzes the pros and cons of marketing using webinar, email and simple ads in social media. He has a refreshing view of the webinar that is not mainstream thought right now but he makes his point there.
  • [spp-timestamp time="46:00"] Greg shares his experiences when he was launching his first business and the fallacy of the perception of overnight success. With overnight success goes a lot of day to day hard work. Listen to him talk about financial freedom, how he views 6-figure income and how one should weigh this against how much time and effort are actually poured into this 6-figure income.

Books We Mentioned

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Music Artist in Episode:

Singleton Singleton was so generous to give me permission to use their music on this podcast so make sure to check them out. Also like them on Facebook: Like Singleton on Facebook


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