Taking Life Head On One Miracle Morning at a Time Ep 45


Picture this.  You're in a head on crash at over 150 miles per hour.

You bleed out, your heart stops and you die.

After six minutes and by some miracle the paramedics are able to revive you.  What would you do next?

Hal Elrod experienced this tragedy and after coming out of the medically induced coma he was told that he will never walk again and had permanent brain damage.  However Hal amazed not only his doctors but the world by taking his first step only three weeks later.

Hal has not only come back from the brink of death but has excelled as one of the top corporate and college speakers in the US, a hall of fame business achiever, an ultra-marathon runner, a life and business and coach.  He's also  the bestselling author of The Miracle Morning and Taking Life Head On! 

I'm sure you're asking so Vern, it's a great story but what does this have to do with social media or business?

Here's the thing!  Hal just had an article published on Entrepreneur.com titled 7.1 Steps to create multiple streams of Income so guess what we're going to talk about how to build those streams of income in detail

Here are the highlights:

  • Facing yet another rock bottom when he lost all his income when the economy crashed and where he became emotionally, physically and spiritually depressed and was in the worst shape in his life.
  • The six months of downward spiral that followed which became the circumstance on which The Miracle Morning took shape and which ultimately skyrocketed his life back to success.
  • How his miracle mornings brought him more revenue by gaining his confidence, clarity and strategy,
  • Studying sales and marketing to get referrals and learning how to approach clients, and how he got over his own fear of doing a live event.
  • His streams of income and how they feed each other, how to use the law of contrast to your advantage.
  •  Hal’s tips on how you can build your own business by establishing financial security and clarifying your own unique value.
  • Writing a book to position yourself as an expert, for you to be able to charge higher fees, and use it as a marketing piece.

Notable Quotes:

  • Everything I have ever done, I try to see it as what’s possible for all of us,  and anything that someone else has ever done, I see it as evidence of what’s possible for me. (This applies to you too)
  • Your level of success will seldom exceed your personal development because success is something you attract by the person you become.
  • Whatever product or business you sell, stop getting better at that because you are probably already good enough or better than most people, but you got to be a master of sales and marketing. This is where all your energy should go.
  • When you commit, the how reveals itself.

Resources Mentioned in this episode:

Miracle Morning - MiracleMorning.com

Hal's Live Eventhttp://bestyeareverblueprint.com/

Virtual FreedomMy Interview with Chris Ducker

Miracle Morning Community - https://www.facebook.com/groups/MyTMMCommunity/
Find Hal Online:

Book Pre - Launch is Here

My new book published by Morgan James Publishing - Master Your Message will be coming to a fine bookseller in your neighborhood officially on June 20, 2017!

Use the Gumroad link below for the Early Bird Pre-Order.  I'm limiting the first batch to 500 copies.  Remember every Early Bird Preorder will get a chance to win an Amazon Echo Dot.   Check out all the details on the preorder page.  Just click the Pre-Order Box

Early Bird Pre-Order

It's an exciting time in my life to have the honor of publishing a book with a traditional publisher.

Watch this short video I created for you about the book.

Vernon Ross Author of Master Your Message

Click Above To Watch

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I'm trying out Warby Parker as an affiliate to see if you get value from seeing their products here. As you know I use them and have about three pairs. It's actually time for a new pair and the ones listed are the ones I'm considering. Let me know what you think about them and which ones you think I should go with.

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Music Artist in Episode:

Singleton Singleton was so generous to give me permission to use their music on this podcast so make sure to check them out. Like Singelton on Facebook: Like Singleton on Facebook

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