The Eventual Millionaire Jaime Tardy on Gaining Media Exposure, Blogging and Masterminds Ep7

Jamie Masters


Would you like to know how to get massive media exposure?  What about getting on the front page of Yahoo Finance?

That's what Jamie Tardy (Masters Now) did and she reveals how she was catapulted into massive popularity so quickly that it crashed her server.  We also talk about how to avoid that problem by switching to a dependable hosting plan.

In addition, we cover blogging, podcasting and website strategies that you can use right now for your business.

By the way, if you were thinking your blog is a business, I've got news for you, it's not!  Here's Why => Click the link   Your Blog is Not a Business

[spp-tweet tweet="A blog is a marketing tactic, not a business. via @eventualmillion"]

Some Highlight From My Time with Jamie :

    • Why your blog isn't a business.
    • What collaborative intelligence is and why you should be using it.
    • Four elements of pitching prospect or guest for a show... this works for anything
    • The one little thing that's overlooked that helps you build your list

and tons more ...

Resources and Links in this Episode Include:

WP-Engine kept Jaime's site up the third time she got hit with traffic!  Check them out: WP Engine

The Rich Switch - The Simple 3-Step System to Turn on Instant Wealth Using the Law of Attraction

Think and Grow Rich - Napoleon Hill
Think and Grow Rich

Entrepreneur on Fire with  John Lee Dumas

Cynthia Sanchez - Oh so Pinteresting Podcast

Natalie Sisson - from The Suitcase Entrepreneur 

Rescue Time - Creates work life Balance a must have for bloggers

(As a side note RescueTime will change your life)

 Connect with Jaime:

Tweet Jaime to say thanks to Jaime for this Interview - Click here to Tweet Jaime

Twitter: @eventualmillionaire 



MasterMind Template: Get the Mastermind Jaime used to start her mastermind

Book Pre - Launch is Here

My new book published by Morgan James Publishing - Master Your Message will be coming to a fine bookseller in your neighborhood officially on June 20, 2017!

Use the Gumroad link below for the Early Bird Pre-Order.  I'm limiting the first batch to 500 copies.  Remember every Early Bird Preorder will get a chance to win an Amazon Echo Dot.   Check out all the details on the preorder page.  Just click the Pre-Order Box

Early Bird Pre-Order

It's an exciting time in my life to have the honor of publishing a book with a traditional publisher.

Watch this short video I created for you about the book.

Vernon Ross Author of Master Your Message

Click Above To Watch

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 Sponsor A Podcast

Sponsoring a podcast can be a very effective way to grow your client base. If you're a business looking to sponsor a podcast Podbean has done all the hard work for you. They've created a marketplace where the best podcast will come to only the opportunities you want to offer. Contact me directly to find out more or just go here: Use Promo Code: Ross

Welcome Warby Parker

I'm trying out Warby Parker as an affiliate to see if you get value from seeing their products here. As you know I use them and have about three pairs. It's actually time for a new pair and the ones listed are the ones I'm considering. Let me know what you think about them and which ones you think I should go with.

If you enjoyed this episode of the Social Strategy Podcast


Music Artist in Episode:

Singleton Singleton was so generous to give me permission to use their music on this podcast so make sure to check them out. Like Singelton on Facebook: Like Singleton on Facebook

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