The Confidence to Quit with John Lee Dumas Ep 19

John Lee Dumas

Would you be willing to walk away from a $100,00 plus a year job?

John Lee Dumas from EntrepreneurOnFire did just that, but not only did he quit to follow his passion John had a plan.

In under a year John took his podcast EntrepreneurOnFire from nothing to a six figure a month business through sponsorship and thorough building other streams of income to grow his business beyond just the podcast.  You're in for a real treat with this interview as we cover some of the most pressing questions I've been getting from you the audience!  

Specifically we talked about:

  • The one element you need to leave your job and start your own business.
  • Which platform that John used to generate over $550,000 dollars in sales in 8 months.
  • How to get your next big idea from your current customers
  • The strange way that you can use "The Impostor Syndrome" to your advantage

We also talked about how Parkinson's law that states "work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion" and how to use that to your advantage by setting the time to complete the task to something that's accountable not only to you but to other people who have invested in your completing the task.

Success Clip from John on Coaching

Links an Resources Mentioned in the Show - The Chris Cerrone Show - Podcaster's Paradise  Entrepreneur on Fire - ScheduleOnce - Chris Guillebeau's Event mentioned

Books to Read

The Slight Edge - By Jeff Olson  - Read this first

The Compound Effect - By Darren Hardy - The read this one

The One Thing - By Gary Keller - Round it out to drive the point home with this last book mentioned.

Show Sponsor

Welcome to Duda Mobile as a sponsor to the show!  Click the Link Below to Check them out.

Create a responsive website today at DudaMobile. Save $20 on an annual DudaOne subscription at DudaMobile with code ross20

Listen to the next couple of Episodes!  I'll be doing a Webinar to show how you can use Duda Mobile to build a mobile site. Stay Tuned!!

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Featured Artist: Singleton

Singleton was so generous to give me permission to use their music on this podcast so make sure to check them out.

Also like them on Facebook: Like Singleton on Facebook

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