Networking Discovery and Fun with Michael Stelzner

Michael Stelzner

He had over 7 million visitors to his website last year.

Michael Stelzner has built one of the largest social media website on the web only second to Mashable!

In this episode we cover so much ground in the areas of networking, social media and building your online and offline business your in for a real treat. Have you ever considered when you're creating content the reason you're doing it to begin with. Let me give you a hint... It's not to just market what you have to sell.

Consider this, what would you rather read? A 10 minute pitch about a product crafted to look like an article but it's only talking about something they want you to buy. Or would you prefer to read something that's informative and written to educate? Well the latter is the approach that Michael Stelzner took when building Social Media Examiner. He focused on just producing great content without marketing messages. He covers this approach extensively in his book Launch.

This approach is called The Elevation Principle: Great Content + Other People - Marketing Messages = Growth.

Check out below what else we talk about in this episode.

Specifically you will learn:

    • How to apply The Elevation Principle to your business.
    • The one thing you need if you want to sell a product online.
    • Discover how to build your first high quality conference or offline event.
    • Learn about and how Michael is building this new resource for parents.

Resources and Links in this Episode Include:

Snapchat for Business:

Smart Passive Income:

I wanted to dig a little more into The Elevation Principle here for you just so you can have an idea of just how powerful it can be for your business or brand.  First off if you haven't read The Elevation Principle the concept of the principle is compared to a rocket ship.  Particularly the fuel that boost that rocket into the stratosphere

Great Content

Your content, the stuff you produce weather it be video, written articles or like me audio mostly is your content.  Some of of it is considered Primary fuel.  So for instance this blog post is an example of primary fuel for my brand and business. It's how to information with industry experts like Michael Stelzner that provides the primary fuel that builds your business.

Nuclear fuel would be considered the second stage of the rocket with things like free event, networking meet-ups and webinars.  The type of events that can add a massive amount of value for your readers and followers.  Events like this not only build your credibility but can really help to grow your business.


People or what can be referred to as your target audience.  These are of course the people you're attempting to reach and educate with the content you produce.  Industry experts should also be considered part of this equation.  Building relationships with these people is vital to the success of anything you are hoping to build.  After all people are the determining factor in the direction your rocket is headed.  That can be to the highest heights or you could crash and burn but people are what will get your there.  The better the relationship you have with your target audience the better more likely you are to get to the place you want to go.

Minus Marketing Messages

Limiting your marketing when you first start building your brand online can be crucial to your success. in the podcast Michael mentions the formula that he used for Social Media Examiner and is using that same strategy for My Kids Adventures and as talked about in Launch marketing messages cause friction.  Imagine if you will a rocket trying to escape the atmosphere of earth.  There's friction because you are pulling against the air and the earths gravitational pull, and just like a rocket if you don't have enough fuel you're not going to get very far.

Check out all the place you can find Michael online:

Connect with Michael:

Twitter: @Mike_Stelzner & @smexaminer


Get your Free Copy of Launch below: 
Free Audio Book

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 Featured Artist:  Singleton

Singleton was so generous to give me permission to use their music on this podcast so make sure to check them out.

Also like them on Facebook: Like Singleton on Facebook

Songs: Get Out of My Mind -Album  The High Seas

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