A Year of Greatness with Patrice Washington Ep30

Book The Money Maven















Today is a very special occasion as The Social Strategy Podcast is having our first repeat guest ever!

No other guest would be more fitting of this title other than my good friend, Patrice C. Washington, whose credentials include nationally recognized featured columnist, television commentator, #1 bestselling author, speaker and leading authority on personal finance known as the "Money Maven" and entrepreneurship.

Patrice is also the finance voice of the Steve Harvey Morning Show with between an 8 to 10 million listener audience and was recently named editor at large for Black Enterprise online. She has been featured by national brands such as NBC, The Huffington Post, Upscale Magazine…the list goes on. In this episode we talk about:

  • Her current endeavors including her upcoming international speaking engagement in the Middle East ( Podcast Exclusive She hasn't announced this anywhere! ) and how she spoke it into existence. Major 3 City Tour!
  • An insightful discussion about the power of words and the possibilities it can bring and what hard work and sacrifice (not luck) can bring you.
  • How she established and nurtured relationships with the Huffington Post and Black Enterprise without being pushy (sleazy) and all the opportunities networking had brought her way,
  • All about her amazing experience in having Lisa Nichols as her coach, why investing in yourself can be a total game changer, and the impactful changes that Lisa introduced in her personal life and career including changing her language and giving her a blueprint for business.
  • How being transparent about her story and being open to sharing her truth became the changer in her business and help to skyrocket her success.
  • Details about her upcoming The Power of Success tour with heavy-hitters who she admires: Tony Robbins, Steve Harvey, Lisa Nichols and John C. Maxwell.
  • The brief but significant interaction she had in meeting Oprah and how it changed her view of excellence and service in an organization.


Also Patrice shares her tips for speakers, authors and coaches on how to land speaking opportunities:

  • Make sure that you open and available for speaking opportunities via social media,
  • Emphasize that you are not just a writer, but also a speaker
  • The correct approach and appropriate subject lines to use in making follow up emails.
  • Why you have to keep trying and approaching opportunities until you get them.
  • Take immediate radical action when you see an opportunity.

There's so much value in this episode I'm sure you're going to love it!

Connect with Patrice:

See Patrice Live:

Sites Mentioned in the Episode:

Frugalesta ( Natalie McNeil ) - http://www.thefrugalista.com/

Lisa Nichols - Speak Right - http://speakandwriteworkshop.com/


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