SSP 006: The Power of First Impressions with Pat Flynn

Pat Flynn

How do you make a great first impression online? Did you know that what you are currently doing with pop-ups on your site could be wrong? We talk about why in this episode. If you ever wanted to know more about getting leads and how your site should be structured you have to listen to this episode.

One of the things I  didn't mention below is considering a mastermind or getting involved in a mastermind group.  Over the past few weeks I've been meeting amazing people.  In our conversations there's a theme that's been constant with all of them and it's to surround yourself with like minded people.

More specifically we talk about:

    • The four elements of winning site design.
    • Why you are losing customers in the first 2.5 seconds they visit your website.
    • The power of first impressions
    • How not to use social proof, and of course how to best use it

and so much more ...

Smart Passive Income with Pat Flynn is one of the hottest podcast on iTunes right now. Pat Flynn is one of the most popular bloggers on the scene and a personal idol for me so when I had the chance to sit down with Pat for an interview it was heaven for me. You are going to learn so much in this episode that you should get a pin and paper seriously. I have about two full pages of notes from this interview so get ready for some great advise from one of the best around.

Resources and Links in this Episode Include:

SPI 046 : Building a Lucrative Business with No Ideas, No Expertise & No Money with Dane Maxwell

SPI 078 : Rapid Audience Building For Accelerated Hypergrowth (From Scratch) – Landing Pages and Conversion Optimization

SPI 082 : Getting Paid Before Building the Solution – From Research to Validation to Profit – A Listener Success Story

Nathan Barry's Website:

Lewis Howes:

Pop-up Domination:  The Pop-up used by Lewis Howes and Others - Click to See Pop-up Domination

Books Mentioned:

Made to Stick: Made to Stick the Book

The Lean Start-up: Eric Reese

 Connect with Pat:

Twitter: @PatFlynn 



My Favorite Lesson from Pat: Consider creating a Getting Started Page

Thanks Pat! : Thanks for being an inspiration to us all!

Did So how cool was that? 

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