Patrice Washington Real Money Answers

Patrice C. Washington

Would you like to know how volunteering can lead being invited to appear national radio show that touches between 8 to 10 million listeners to launch your new book?

Patrice is a true inspiration and proof that you're environment can truly contribute to your success.  She is the rising star of personal finance education and is a regularly featured in Black Enterprise, GEICO Now Magazine, the Huffington Post, Upscale Magazine and on NBC.

In this episode you will learn about:

    • Why others don't have to get your vision, and how to pursue your dreams.
    • Why giving away your best stuff for free pays big dividends.
    • How to transition from the "Freemium" to a Premium paid business model.

Resources and Links in this Episode Include:

Patrice on Steve Harvey:

Just wait until you here the introduction from Steve Harvey about Patrice.  You can tell there's a strong admiration and respect that only comes from being the best at what you do.  It also comes from working hard and giving of yourself.  Patrice didn't get asked to be on The Steve Harvey Morning Show by chance she earned it.  Enjoy the segment below and let me know what you think.

Get Patrice's New Book:  Click the Image Below


Connect with Patrice:

Twitter: @seekwisdompcw




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