Outsourcing, Productivity Hacks and Paradigm Shift with Podcast Junkies Host, Harry Duran Ep57


Productivity hackers rejoice!

My friend and guest for this episode will surely feed your cravings as he shares to us his arsenal of tools that would surely delight you all.

We actually get into what I think is an interesting and well needed conversation about valuing our 9-5 job (for a change) and the way we use them to fund our side hustles.  Actually I like to think of my main job as a side hustle that pays for what I really love to do.  How do you see your main day job?

When hanging out with Harry in Vegas I learned more about Slack and why I should be using it.  in addition Harry drops the knowledge about even more services he uses to stay on top of his game and manage his time.  A few of the ones mentioned were: Fancy Hands, TaskRabbit, Fiber, Pocket, IFTTT, Luxe, and as I mentioned Slack.

Here are the highlights of my conversation with Harry:

  • Harry’s origins (Kind of like a superhero) and his background as a DJ.  We touch on how this became his first entrepreneurial exploit in New York and when he finally decided that being a DJ is simply a hobby and is not going to be his main income stream.  However it's still his passion.
  • Being in the corporate for more than 20 years from banking, finance and customer service and moving to consulting selling high end data management tools.
  • The lessons he learned from corporate including misconceptions about our 9-5 jobs and his advice about putting things into perspective.  Trust me this was golden!
  • His thoughts about balancing a corporate job and projects on the side.
  • We talk his latest company FullCast and share the things he learned from highly successful entrepreneurs including managing outsourcing.
  • Being a productivity hacker, a Twitter social strategy you should hear about, and a range of productivity tools that Harry uses which you can absolutely revolutionize how you spend your time.

Amazing Advice

  • There are a lot of misconceptions that corporate jobs are the evil empire. What a lot of people don’t realize is that, it allows you to have disposable income allowing you to try out different things.
  • Your job should be able to fund your hobbies. Stop holding out for some exit strategy and being resentful. (This hit home for me)
  • There is no reason in the world to kill your golden goose just to prove to someone that you can do it on your own. At the end of the day, the only people who we should be measuring up to are your spouse and the family.


  • I am a firm believer that I should be around people smarter than I am.

  • Pay experts at what they do and let them do their genius. You should focus on building your business.

  • Email is a collection of other people’s agendas.

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Music Artist in Episode:

Singleton Singleton was so generous to give me permission to use their music on this podcast so make sure to check them out. Also like them on Facebook: Like Singleton on Facebook

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