
In the interest of being helpful I thought it would be a good idea to create a resource page.  Some of you that followed my other blog have been requesting I reopen the Stimulus Package page again so heres a better version. I'm constantly updating this page as I learn more and come across more great resources you can use.  Make sure to bookmark this page and the pages that will show up in the listing below.

Have Fun!

Disclosure:  Please note that some of the links below are affiliate links, and at no additional cost to you, I will earn a commission if you decide to make a purchase.  I have experience with all of the companies, and I recommend them because I have found them helpful and useful, not because of the small commissions I make if you decide to buy something.  Please do not spend any money on these products unless you feel you need them or that they will help you achieve your goals.



Start with these links below.  Most of the questions I get are about the very things I've outlined below.  If you are looking for hosting, podcast instruction or to learn about a CDN and how it can speed up your site start with these.

Website Performance

I wasn't sure what a CDN was but I knew it was taking forever for my site to load.  A CDN speeds up your site by distributing files like javascript, CSS and images across multiple servers all over the world.  This speeds up your site by delivering the data to whomever is visiting your site from the location closest to them...get it?  The closer the data the faster your page loads


Fastest WordPress Hosting
Wp-Engine is one of the best hosting platforms out there. This is specialized WordPress hosting at it's best.


Genesis Framework for WordPress
When it comes to Themes I have to say that I've used them all.  For the longest time I powered this site with Concrete5 CMS which was great except it's developer driven which means I have to code everything I want.  When I switched to WordPress I found the Genesis Theme which powers a couple of other sites I have and have found it to be wonderful.  I'm soon converting this site over from the standard WordPress theme and framework over to Genesis.  All the industry pros are using this and I will be too.


This first document is part of a larger podcasting workshop I did for a private coaching client.  I reviewed all of the equipment I've previously used in getting my podcast on iTunes and various other outlets like Stitcher Radio.  I'll be releasing that course on here on the site for download soon but until then enjoy the guide.

Recommended Podcast Equipment

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