Standing in Service of Others Ep34

In Service

This past week I asked a question at the end of an email.

It was simple really, but a powerful question that causes you to reflect on what you're doing and why you're doing it.

The question was:  Are you standing in the service of others or just serving yourself at the cost of others?

The response was amazing so I wanted to give you a little break down of why I asked that question.  All too often in the online / offline business space we get wrapped up in the "making money" aspect of the business.  You know sales funnels, email list, lead capture and the list goes on.  However I think it's vital that you reflect on your business and if you're serving others with your marketing or just serving yourself.

Now I'm not one of those money is bad people.  Afterall we are in business to make money and lots of it, but it doesn't mean that you can't be serving at the same time.

So I'll follow that question up with another one.  What's your bigger mission? If you don't have one develop a mission that's bigger than yourself.

For example if you want to build a list of 1000 email subscribers to your website that's great!  Now ask yourself why do I want 1000 subscribers? What value are your offering them other than a free pdf or audio download.  Get clear on what you want for them and why you want it for them.

Are you helping them get to the next level in business, showing a new productivity tip that's going to help them be more efficient therefore giving them more time to work on their business and not in their business?  It could be your tips and advice is going to allow them to spend more time with their family which in turn could mean they will not miss important moments because they're stuck working.

So standing in the service of others could actually help you change the lives of the people you're marketing to.  Now that my friends is powerful and that is having a bigger goal than just yourself.


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