Toby Salgado The RainMaker Ep22

Toby Salgado


Have you ever had one of those moments when you think, "I bet "that thing" would be a great investment?


We all have I'm sure of it.  At least I know I've said that a dozen times in the past few weeks.  Well Toby is one of those people that not only thinks "that thing" is a good idea he acts on it and in a big way that pays off.  

Now you might be thinking oh well he's just some corporate guy that had a nest egg, or a lawyer with a bunch of cash, but no he's just a regular guys with a gift for making money. Toby is going to share how he made one sale that ended up paying him millions and all from an industry that was very low tech that he had no experience in.  

Oh and it gets better not only do you hear how Toby Salgado of Super Agents Live created a major distribution deal you get to hear how he landed his sponsorship deal with the format that he used!  If you have a podcast, blog or other online media property need to hear this section of the conversation because it's mind blowing!

If you believe the saying that "You are the the sum total of the five people you spend the most time with" then come hang out with me and a guy who's truly at that next level.

For people with kids in college skip to minute 35 and listen to what toby did with his summers in college.

Specifically we cover:

  • Our current struggles with Facebook Ads we bear it all.  No fluff here!
  • How journaling and putting the work into outlining your goals helps you achieve success.
  • What taking action can do for your business and how Toby took action to close his first big deal.
  • Learn how Toby landed a major distribution deal for his podcast with a national association
  • Why not having done something before is no reason to now start doing it if you see a lucrative opportunity.
  • Two solid step by step tips for generating more leads for your business while leveraging your existing untapped network.


Show Sponsor

Duda Mobile is a sponsor to the show!  Click the Link Below to Check them out. Create a responsive website today at DudaMobile. Save $20 on an annual DudaOne subscription at DudaMobile with code ross20!

Books to Read

Awaken the Giant Within - Tony Robbins Think and Grow Rich - Napoleon Hill 

Connect with Toby Online

Twitter: @SuperAgentsLive Facebook: SuperAgentsLive Website: Podcast: Super Agents Live Podcast on iTunes

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Featured Artist:

Singleton Singleton was so generous to give me permission to use their music on this podcast so make sure to check them out. Also like them on Facebook: Like Singleton on Facebook

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