Penny Pinching Mom Tracie Fobes EP89


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Money is what drives business, so why do so many of us ignore finances until we "have to" deal with them. Well, my next guest Tracie Fobes AKA the "Penny Pinchin Mom" has some really valuable lessons we can learn about dealing with money in business and in life.

Give Every Penny A Job

Simple Right, Actually the way Tracie breaks it down it really is simple. Like for example "Give every penny a job, and tell it what it's going to do that month. What an amazingly simple concept but it's powerful. Of course, that's just the beginning of her story.

It's fine to budget but to dig your way out of $37,000 in debt you have to increase your income. That's right! Tracie and her family had serious bills and needed a way to aggressively pay it off. It turns out that starting a blog and mastering social media would be key in making this happen.

Connect with Tracie Online:

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Download Top Three Tips To Conquer Fear




Music Artist in Episode: Singleton Singleton was so generous to give me permission to use their music on this podcast so make sure to check them out. Like Singelton on Facebook: Like Singleton on Facebook

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