Vernon Ross

SSP 008: Target Fixation and the True Mind Movement with Andrew Warner of Mixergy

SSP 008: Target Fixation and the True Mind Movement with Andrew Warner of Mixergy

Andrew Warner
You're not good enough!  What gives you the right to talk to these type of people?

You're a fraud and it's only a matter of time before they find you out.  Have you ever had this conversation with yourself?

You probably did and may not have even been aware of it.  These thoughts happen to the best of us.  Would you believe that even Andrew Warner of Mixergy has been there too? He has but has also learned how to defeat them.

In this episode we dig deep into this mindset and together we make some pretty revealing discoveries about me and my business that I'm sure will have a positive impact on your business and personal life. I'm looking forward to helping you find your True Mind.

Andrew and I Discuss:

    • What Target Fixation is and how to use it to your advantage.
    • I get vulnerable about what's holding me back.
    • How to deal with your "Counter Mind" and embrace your True Mind
    • What Andrew has for 5 listeners of this podcast

we get real in this one kids...

Resources and Links in this Episode Include:

Yes!  Video

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Andrew explains the power of working with your true mind.

WDS is a worldwide gathering of creative, unconventional people. Every summer, the group descends on Portland, Oregon for several days of speakers, workshops, meetups, and fun. This year, we even set a Guinness World Record! Learn more at

Jeff BezosThe Everything Store: Jeff Bezos and the Age of Amazon Download a Free Copy of this book and start your 30 Day trial at

Andrew's Talk on the Counter Mind & the True Mind

 Connect with Andrew:

Tweet Andrew to say thanks for this Interview - Click here to Tweet and Thank Andrew

Twitter: @AndrewWarner 



Parting Thoughts from this Interview:Target Fixation - Focus your thoughts on where you need to go, and that having a mantra to counter, counter mind thoughts is very helpful.

That was crazy Andrew!  Thanks Friend.

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 Featured Artist:  Singleton

I'm still loving on Singleton so check them out again this week.

Singleton was so generous to give me permission to use their music on this podcast so make sure to check them out.

Also like them on Facebook: Like Singleton on Facebook

Songs: Get Out of My Mind -Album  The High Seas

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