Vernon Ross

Virtual Crash How Chris Ducker Found Freedom Through Outsourcing Ep33

Virtual Crash How Chris Ducker Found Freedom Through Outsourcing Ep33

Chris Ducker

"It's like hitting a brick wall at 180 miles per hour, You know"

That's what Chris Ducker shared with a small group of us that were out for beignets and coffee. It was shocking to hear the author of Virtual Freedom share that story.  It was eye opening to hear how even a successful entrepreneur could get caught up with "superhero syndrome"

You know trying to do everything in your business even the things that aren't part of your skillset.  Chris really digs into that in our conversation.

In this interview we talk about:

  • How to overcome Superhero syndrome.
  • What it takes to build a successful team and a successful company culture.
  • Why letting go is one of the best things you can do for your business
  • How writing out your goals is key to your success.


Links Mentioned in the Episode:

Virtual Staff Finder -

Location 63 - Co-Working Space 

Entreprenure on Fire -



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Featured Artist:

Singleton Singleton was so generous to give me permission to use their music on this podcast so make sure to check them out. Also like them on Facebook: Like Singleton on Facebook

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