Vernon Ross

Ask Gary Vaynerchuk about Instagram Ep. 42

Ask Gary Vaynerchuk about Instagram Ep. 42


Between the Clouds and the Dirt.  That's what my latest guest Gary Vaynerchuk  has been saying, it's where he's spending his time and perfecting his craft and of course for this episode we talk about his InstaGram game for 2015.

Gary is always on the hustle and with him it's not just something he post on social media to be cute or to day he's at work.  He's actually hustling and crushing it.  So much so that our interview was done with him in JFK International Airport about to board a plane.

There has to be something said about a guy that would turn down an interview with The Wall Street Journal to jump on my podcast because he gave his word.

A few things you will take away in this episode:

  • Where small business owners should be spending their time
  • What Between the Clouds and the Dirt actually means
  • How to go for the ask on Instagram
  • The perfect strategy for posting content on Instagram
  • How many #HashTags are too many answered

And so much more...

Here's what just happened by Gary choosing to talk with me and not the WSJ

Was I more important than the WSJ?  No of course not but the good will and karma that comes from taking 10 minutes to chat with me about Instagram to my audience is how you over deliver a solid Jab.  (Check out NYT Best Seller Jab Jab Jab Right Hook )

This is what true engagement is really about.  It's about big brands and personalities count in that equation.  Taking the time to respond back to and interact with their fans. Also spending the time to support fledging brands that support and communicate to their fans.

The value this adds for Gary is that I'll be talking about this for a very long time to anyone and everyone that's willing to listen to the story.  I'm going to talk about it from the stage when I present and anytime I talk about getting guest for a podcast I'll mention it because it shows that Gary is a down to earth guy that understand its the "dirt" work that pays dividends for your brand.

Want to know more about Between the Clouds and the Dirt:

Where to Find Gary Online:

Other Sites Mentioned:

An interesting video site that Gary is using - 


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Featured Artist:

Singleton Singleton was so generous to give me permission to use their music on this podcast so make sure to check them out. Also like them on Facebook: Like Singleton on Facebook


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