Building An Online Business with Harneet Bhalla Ep66


What You Missed

You heard from former Olympian Fabienne Raphael the creator behind Small Business Online Summit and how she's built an amazing Periscope following.

Our guest for today is Harneet Bhalla is a digital marketing consultant and a master on giving advice to people who want to establish their online business from scratch. Harneet is a skilled business coach and advises some of the biggest names in the online marketing space.

Often entrepreneurs never really start from a place of abundance and Harneet is not exception to that rule. His first real introduction to the internet was receiving his first computer an then manually taking it apart to figure out how it all worked.  He was always fascinated with the "why" of things.  His interest didn't stop there it crosses over to psychology of why people do what they do and the decisions they make.

I asked Harneet to give an example of how he would coach a client on making money starting from nothing. He not only breaks down the entire process Harneet went a step by step revealing and entire business plan. This information was not only a golden nugget I considered adding it to a premium course on business building.  Yeah guys it's that good and you can find it here [spp-timestamp time="17:47"]

Here are the highlights of my conversation with Harneet:

  • [spp-timestamp time="07:42"]: How Harneet ended up destroying his brand new computer by having an unquenchable desire for knowledge and how things work.
  • [spp-timestamp time="15:39"] : The first website Harneet flipped for a thousand dollars in the eyecare niche and how this really started his online career.
  • [spp-timestamp time="17:47"]: An amazing 3-minute strategy on how to launch a book, get people to promote your book and ultimately purchase your work.
  • [spp-timestamp time="23:27"]: Why it is important to know your strongest social platform and be there and not to be everywhere.
  • [spp-timestamp time="34:14"]: Harneet explain how he built his first million dollars explains his strategy on how to negotiate start up fees, upfront fees and how to get equity on every sale instead of hours per dollars.
  • [spp-timestamp time="40:50"]: Why having a PR is important and how a PR manager can help your image, business or brand.

  Some quotes and advice from Harneet:

[spp-tweet tweet="“Complexity is the enemy of execution.” via @Harneetbhalla Cred @TonyRobbins"]

  • Running an ad is not about making a brand; it is about making a sale.  You don't run ads to build your brand.

Here's some parting wisdom:  Start your day like Harneet with meditation and some light exercise.  Notice he's not checking email and letting everyone else dictate how his day is going to start.

Check out this episode for a powerful start to your morning: Taking Life Head On One Miracle Morning at a Time Ep 45

To Connect with Harneet Online:

Podcast Resources

SocialStrategyAca (1)The Social Strategy Academy is where you can take the podcast information you receive here to the next level with customized training and toolkits.  Not only do you get extended versions of the podcast but there are free templates that you can literally just put your name on and use.  I take you step by step through some of the most asked questions and skill needed to succeed online and in business.

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Music Artist in Episode:

Singleton Singleton was so generous to give me permission to use their music on this podcast so make sure to check them out. Also like them on Facebook: Like Singleton on Facebook

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