Vernon Ross

Money and Success with Heather Havenwood Ep67

Money and Success with Heather Havenwood Ep67



What You May Have Missed

In the last episode we met Harneet Bahalla a digital marketing consultant and who negotiated over a million dollars on one deal.  Listen to Ep66 to find out the one thing he did to land this deal.

In this episode I talk with Heather Ann Havenwood, CEO of Havenwood Worldwide, LLC and Chief Sexy Boss.   She's a serial entrepreneur and is regarded as a top authority in the internet, business strategies and  marketing. Since marketing her first online business in 1999, bringing together clients and personal coaches, she has played an active role in the online marketing world since before most even had a home computer.

In 2006 she started, developed and grew an online information marketing publishing company from ground zero to over $1 million in sales in less than 12 months.  You're in for an amazing story and as a bonus we recorded a blab a few days after this interview and ended up giving live social media and business advice.

The absolute best quote of our chat: "When I send an email to my list which is two to three times a day depending on the list there is always something to buy...ALWAYS, always, always,always,ALWAYS. None of this I don't want to sell anything I'll just give them content. NO It's like always!"

Here are the highlights of my conversation with Heather:

  • [spp-timestamp time="02:55 "]: How Heather learned the sales and marketing game from face to face selling.
  • [spp-timestamp time="03:55 "]: What happened when a previous business partner walked away with her entire business forcing her to lose everything and file bankruptcy.
  • [spp-timestamp time="12:10"]: Who actually came up with the name "Cheif Sexy Boss" It has something to do with Hugo Boss and Blue Blockers.
  • [spp-timestamp time="15:30"]: We reveal the number one most under utilized resource on the planet.
  • [spp-timestamp time="20:32"]: Why women rock!  My homage to how awesome women are.
  • [spp-timestamp time="21:30"]: The two categories of people you have in your life and why they are either in the gutter or on the balcony.

Heather breaks down the entire online business process and how to build your business. [spp-timestamp time="21:30"]: You're never going to believe what Heather said you should do and it's belly to belly.

Tweets of Wisdom:

[spp-tweet tweet="Never keep anyone in my life that's not part of my fanclub via @hhavenwood #mindset"]

[spp-tweet tweet="I am the most important person in my life, this equals mature selfishness via @hhavenwood #coaching #smallbiz"]

Books Mentioned:

Heather's Book









The Soul of Money - Lynn Twist

Think and Grow Rich - Napoleon Hill ( Specifically in Chapter 7 )

To Connect with Heather:

Our Blab with Heather Havenwood, Vernon Ross and participating guest Andrew Alliance, and Cheval John.


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If you enjoyed this episode of the Social Strategy Podcast


Music Artist in Episode:

Singleton Singleton was so generous to give me permission to use their music on this podcast so make sure to check them out. Also like them on Facebook: Like Singleton on Facebook

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