Vernon Ross

Podcast Movement and Maple Syrup Ep55

Podcast Movement and Maple Syrup Ep55

Jared Easley

For this episode, I hook up with my buddy, Jared Easley host of Starve the Doubts Podcast and the co-founder of the Podcast Movement.  We have an enlightening conversation on sharing your journey and not just successful stories but sharing the challenging stories. It's those stories that helps people connect to you and gives them hope there's light on the other side of struggle. We also talk about Podcast Movement and even throw out some very valuable social media tips that you can use to improve how you engage with your audience.

One of the thoughts of wisdom that Jared shared was how noticing other people can be a gift to them.  That acknowledge the people around you and take the time to let them know you see them and hear them and how much of a positive impact that small point in time that you noticed someone else can make such a huge difference  in someone's life.

Below are the highlights of my conversation with Jared:

  • Where Jared picked up his skills as a consummate promoter, purveyor of other people’s businesses and how that's made a difference in his online presence and his podcast.
  • His account of one of the most challenging moment in his life and how it motivated and drove him to work for success, and how an email from a listener encouraged him to reciprocate the gesture to help and lift other people up.
  • The value of being humble enough to share your life stories for people to be able to relate to you and how other , like our former guest Patrice Washington, can attest that this gesture can get you to connect to people.
  • About the interviews that he had when he was starting off, the value he got from them and the strategies he put in place for his podcast to take off.
  • Our discussion about getting random people in the show, even those which are not big names, and how it can surprise you in terms of the traffic they can generate and how they can engage you with their communities.
  • About Podcast Movement and how Jared lands the lineup of speakers for these events, including building rapport with the key players in the industry to get more people on board; and his big reveal on yet another grand keynote speaker for this year’s conference.
  • Sharing our thoughts about how we feel towards social media and being treated simply as a number, and his own personal Twitter strategies.

Quotes from Jared:

  • If you are willing to do the work, if you are willing to get your hands dirty, if you are willing to genuinely notice other people that you want to serve and do business with, that’s how to start to create momentum.

  • You can start changing your life if you can start getting a little bit of the community and start getting advice.

  • Don’t judge a book by its cover.

  • Just because you are not in a certain level with a person, don’t write them off because you just don’t know where they are going.

  • I like to treat people like they’re friends. I don’t like to be treated like I am a follower. When you treat me like I am a follower, that’s when I hang it up.

To Connect with Jared Online:

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Music Artist in Episode:

Singleton Singleton was so generous to give me permission to use their music on this podcast so make sure to check them out. Also like them on Facebook: Like Singleton on Facebook

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