Vernon Ross

Efficient Life Skills

Efficient Life Skills

Joseph Michael

How do you drive over 300,00 viewers to your website?

Would you believe it was How To Teach A 6-Year-Old To Tie Shoes In 5 Minutes!

Listen to this episode to learn exactly how with a simple video and post Joseph took his site from decent traffic to over 300,000 unique visitors. Here's a hint Pinterest and Youtube played a big role. Joe also gives some secret tips on how he identifies pain points for his readers.  Joe is a bit of a "Lifehacker" which is I'm sure the reason Life Hacker featured him on their site.  Joe is a great guy and I'm sure you're going to enjoy this episode.

Specifically you will learn how to:

    • Find the pain point that your audience is having.
    • How to create shareable content that's helpful.
    • Learning how to pivot when your situations change.
    • Why you should treat every next step as an experiment
    • Creating Work /Life balance when you have a job, family and business.

Resources and Links in this Episode Include:

I'm sure you're saying isn't Pinterest for women?  Yeah it's popular with the ladies but what's more important is Pinterest is driving a massive amount of traffic to websites.  With all the changes in how visible your post are on Facebook Pinterest could be a new secret weapon if you're creative and post the type of content your audience want's to see.

It's just a fact that images with text get people to pay attention, and that's what we're all after on our websites isn't it?  One great tip Joe gave us in this interview is to know your audience and listen to what they are saying in the comments section of your blog.  That's where they communicate what's really important to them and what they're struggling with.

However if you are just starting out or don't have an active section on your website there is an option and that's check out other sites closely related to your content and that's active and look for the questions, problems and challenges they have.

Check out all the place you can find Joseph online and his websites.

  • Is A Step-By-Step Online Video Course To Help You Maximize Your Time & Use Scrivener To Its Full Potential.
  • Want  a better more efficient life then this is the main site we talked about.
  • We all need images for out blogs and it can be difficult to find just the right one.  Well Joseph has solved that issue.  Check out Better Blog Images.
  • Pat Flynn's site for making passive income online.
  • The ad re-targeting technology we talked about in the last part of the show.

Connect with Joseph:

Twitter: @EfficientJoe

Facebook: Efficient Life Skills

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 Featured Artist:  Singleton

Singleton was so generous to give me permission to use their music on this podcast so make sure to check them out.

Also like them on Facebook: Like Singleton on Facebook

Songs: Get Out of My Mind -Album  The High Seas

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