Vernon Ross

How to Really Get Booked on TV to Grow Your Brand Ep64

How to Really Get Booked on TV to Grow Your Brand Ep64

In the last episode 63 Nancy Erickson AKA The Book Professor, we talked about book publishing, book marketing and why bookstores may not be the best method in getting your content out in the market.

In this episode of the podcast I talk with Josh Elledge and you guys are in for a real treat.  If you want to know how to get booked on Television local and national then don't miss this episode.


As you know I've been using Blab and Josh is the first podcast interview I've done on this platform so it's going to be a little different as I'm releasing it here first then on iTunes in a few days.

Some of the exciting things we cover in this episode are:

  • How to truly position yourself as an expert
  • What TV stations are looking for to fill segments and how to be the one they call
  • Three steps to getting booked

Want to build a post like this one automatically every time you record a Blab?  Check out Simple Live Press <= Click there and get 20% off the price with promo code VROSS20

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