Vernon Ross

Women Making Big Sales With Melinda Chen EP70

Women Making Big Sales With Melinda Chen EP70




In the episode EP69 we meet Jeffrey Shaw a master photographer, business coach and public speaker. Jeffrey build his first million dollar a year business serving the most affluent families in America. Check out Jeffery's interview here: EP69

My latestes guest Melinda Chen developed a sales system to help women connect with big clients.  Melinda observed that several women she knew were making money but weren't focusing on the bigger clients. She’s been in sales for 15 years, worked the trade show circuit, the financial industry and even the sporting goods industry.

Melinda's passion for the sales process is inspiring.  She shared this strategy in the interview so I wanted to make sure you have it.  Jump to this strategy here => [spp-timestamp time="07:24 "]

Melinda Chen's strategies for overcoming objections in pricing:

  • Get your attitude ready - Meaning get into the right mindset to be ready for the objections that may come.
  • When getting pricing objections be ready to understand and ask your clients which part of the pricing makes them uncomfortable.
  • Always be ready to redirect your client’s attention away from pricing towards what’s important for their business.

Here are the highlights of my conversation with Melinda:

  • [spp-timestamp time="02:00 "]: Sharing her first sales job in Berlitz, one of the world’s largest institutions for language learning, as an international Sales Manager.   Melinda talks about the first lessons she learned while she was with the company including reading everything she could find on sales strategies and making thousands of cold sales calls.
  • [spp-timestamp time="13:22 "]: The importance of researching your clients so you can understand how to find their “neck-bleeding pain”.
  • [spp-timestamp time="20:02"] : The type of clients that podcasters should seek out for sponsorship to monetize their business and why your pitches should always be targeted.
  • [spp-timestamp time="24:11"] : Some myths about selling to big clients and the sales cycle in selling to big clients:
    • Get in front of big clients and create six degrees of separation by using Melinda’s 2-5 contact formula. [spp-timestamp time="26:35"]
    • Bring the relationship from a buyer-seller relationship to a partner relationship,
    • Be prepared for objections and close the sale.
  • [spp-timestamp time="30:14"] : Why she recommends using scripts as part of your toolkit and ensuring that it is followed by role playing.
  • [spp-timestamp time="32:38"] : How to develop a healthy mindset in selling and how you deal with doubts and negative thoughts by taking it easy and having enough knowledge about the whole sales process before jumping in.
  • Once of my pet peeves that will make me unsubscribe from your list or ignore you. [spp-timestamp time="38:45"]

Sales Strategies To Practice:

  • Whoever the type of people or companies you are going to approach, make sure that your message is extremely targeted.
  • When you want to approach big clients, try to limit your outreach to 10 clients.   Keeping the number low allows you to spend time building relationships which is key.

Attend Melinda's Chen's Webinar:

A great resource for the entire sales process so make sure to register and check it out.

Here is the link:

Connect with Melinda:


Don't forget to check out UMSL Digital Conference #MDMC 

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If you enjoyed this episode of the Social Strategy Podcast

Music Artist in Episode:

Singleton Singleton was so generous to give me permission to use their music on this podcast so make sure to check them out. Also like them on Facebook: Like Singleton on Facebook


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