Vernon Ross

Mindset Monday The Power of Now Ep01

Mindset Monday The Power of Now Ep01











What can you do right now in this minute to change your direction?

Have you ever said to yourself that one day I would like to be whatever “Fill in the blank _____________ You have something you want to become in this lifetime.  Do you know that right now in this moment you have the ability to become that?  It’s just a matter of shifting your mindset.

Everyday you have 1440 opportunities to dedicate one minute of effort towards your ambitions.   So if you took the morning off to sleep in you don’t have to worry about that because you still have hundreds of opportunities to make something happen.

Recognize the power in that, you are always choosing

What will you choose to do right now in this moment?

Yes this is new and every Monday I'll be doing a short from show on Mindset issues that face entrepreneurs and us all.  Each episode will be between 5 to 10 minutes long and and cover at least one topic.  Much of the topics that I cover in my upcoming group coaching program.

So enjoy the new episode and let me know what you think in the comments and by leaving a rating and review.


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