Vernon Ross

Down the Rabbit Hole of Doubt Ep32

Down the Rabbit Hole of Doubt Ep32

rabbit hole of doubt

You're rocking it and just had that thing you've been waiting for happen but then all of a sudden you get this feeling like you are just not ready.

Ever had that happen?  That's doubt and it usually comes in right when things are about to start going good for us.

I think this feeling hits us to keep us safe from taking on too much.  If doubt had a cousin I would say her name would be fear.  Both try to keep you from reaching past your current self and achieving more in business and in life.

At times the people we're surrounded with may also help you go further down that rabbit hole of doubt where you don't just consider and reconsider your choices and that next big hurdle you're about to climb they may recall other past attempts of failures that add even more negative feelings that feed doubt even more pushing you down even deeper.

This is how you fight doubt and inch by inch climb out of that rabbit hole.  First you start with knowing your value and stating it out loud.  Nothing feels better than a little self recognition and affirmation. I know that may sound a little foo foo for some of you but thats just doubt telling you that you don't need do stuff like that.

The next thing would be to understand and either tell yourself again out loud that you've given your time, paid your dues and this is your time to have success in your life. It's powerful to think it but it has even more power to state it.

So try this the next time you're feeling doubtful about a recent win or when you start wondering why did you start that project, make that call or get into that business.  I think you will find the things I mentioned will help you push past those fears and achieve success.


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