Vernon Ross

Do Something Scary Ep 36

Do Something Scary Ep 36

Something that scares you
"Do one thing every day that scares you" Is a quote from First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt.  What does it make you think about?

For me it's making sales calls.  What about you what scares you?  We all have that thing we hate doing that we know makes us grow but hate practicing.  Now I know a couple episodes about the confines of fear, but this is different.  Today we're talking about growing and doing something daily that forces you to grow.

Everytime I pick up the phone or send an email related to sales and in particular to highly influential people it's scary, but I make the call.  I know that by doing this is helps me to grow as a trusted advisor.

So my change for you today is to do one thing today that scares you TODAY!  Once you do report back in the comments below, on social media or email me and tell me how you challenged yourself and if you grew.  If you didn't or couldn't stretch past were you are right now and do that "scary" thing tell me about that as well, because I want to help you get past that block.

Check out my motivation for today's episode in the links below.

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Featured Artist:

Singleton Singleton was so generous to give me permission to use their music on this podcast so make sure to check them out. Also like them on Facebook: Like Singleton on Facebook

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