Vernon Ross

The 3 Questions People Always Forget to Ask in an Interview

The 3 Questions People Always Forget to Ask in an Interview

Today literally... snicker @Pat Flynn  Sorry you have to listen to the SPI podcast to know what I'm talking about.  Anyhow I was checking out LinkedIN and had to comment on a great post from James Cann about the three questions people forget to ask on a job interview.

Well his questions caused some controversy just based on how they were worded and they were a little strong for some peoples taste.  Meaning that not everyone could or should ask the questions he suggested in the way he suggested.   If you know me you know that I can't resist jumping in on articles like this.  If you don't know me networking, LinkedIN and helping people with getting their foot in the door are passions of mine.  Also my wife @msrosspr is currently looking for a new job so these type of discussions are prevalent in our house at the moment.   Anyhow what I thought would be a short comment turned into a very long comment about what I would say and how I would say it.

So instead of just leaving the comment on LinkedIN I decided to post it here to get some feedback from all of you.  So check it out and let me know what you think.  I've also linked to the original post from LinkedIN below my response with a couple of other links I think you may find useful.

My Comment on LinkedIN

These are great questions to ask. I think with any advise given you have to consider how you would say it. I once had an old sales manager tell me to "say what fits your mouth son" Meaning that just because he gave me an example of how to sale something didn't mean I needed to be a carbon copy of him. I think you have to take these questions the same way. I you love them practice text and deliver when these like they were your own.

However if I were doing these here's what I would say:

1. What are the top three qualities you're looking for in the your ideal candidate?

2. How does the company focus on growth and development and is there an emphasis on continuous learning?

On this third one I would preface it with a statement: As a rule anytime I have a chance to speak with someone about a job I try to make sure that I've covered all the bases that would make for a great interview. (Now the question)

3. Is there a burning question that's on your mind that I didn't answer or something you would like to explore more in our conversation before we wrap things up?

All of these questions I've used before in interviews and the last one has sparked the most conversation and I've gotten great feedback. I don't think they are that different than what Mr. Caan stated but I'm just saying what fits my mouth. Sorry for the long comment but this was a really good article and I love talking about this type of thing.

Okay so that was my epic comment of the month on LinkedIN.  I'm sure it's way too long but hey when I get on a roll...

So here are a few links I think you would find interesting and may find a little fun.

My sinker at the beginning of this post:  Smart Passive Income Session 074 with Chris Ducker  You will hear what I'm talking about right in the beginning of the show but I think you should listen to the entire thing. A buddy of mine had almost the same conversation with me about five years ago so it's just funny to me and may be to you as well.

Original post from LinkedIN:  The 3 Questions People Always Forget to Ask in an Interview

I'm really interested in what you think so comment below and share with your friends.

Image courtesy of Ambro at

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