Vernon Ross

5 Top LinkedIn Job Strategies Ep27

5 Top LinkedIn Job Strategies Ep27












Five top strategies job seekers must use on LinkedIn.

You may be asking or thinking that you've heard it all before about using blah,blah to do this or that on LinkedIn right?

Well my friends that's not the case today!  I have a surprise for you and I think you're going to like it because on this podcast and in the video below you're going to hear how I use LinkedIn to gain trust, build friendships, secure new business and too many things to name.

So What Makes My Advise Different?

C'mon Vern, You may be saying to yourself.  "I know you're a little different in your approach but can you really be that much different than what I've heard before?  Well to put it bluntly YES!!  I'm pretty sure that no one is teaching about LinkedIn the way I do or who can produce results like I can.

Here's what you're going to learn today:

  • A 2 Minute Tweak that will get you noticed above 30 percent more right now.
  • The focused action you can take to shorten the time you spend browsing through job after job.
  • One of the most effective ways to build relationships fast
  • The Mindset shift you have to make when looking for a job using LinkedIn

And of course so much more!

Check out the video below and leave your feedback.  If you're on the go just listen to the podcast and come back to the video later for the pretty pictures.

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Get in touch with me quick using Twitter @rosspr

Schedule some Time to Chat

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Featured Artist:

Singleton Singleton was so generous to give me permission to use their music on this podcast so make sure to check them out. Also like them on Facebook: Like Singleton on Facebook

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