Vernon Ross

Social Monitoring What HashTag Are You

Social Monitoring What HashTag Are You


When doing reports for brands you're often asked to track the number of uses a particular #hastag gets used.  It's a great way of measuring engagement and exposure to your brand.  If people are using the hashtag the way you intended things are just peachy.

However it did get me to thinking about what hashtag describes me and my brand?  I'm a business coaching but I can't very well use #Coaching.  I consult and teach about social media but I teach about multiple platforms so I can't use one of those followed by expert.  Well I could but I want to be more original than that.  #RossPR is a good one and one that I use from time to time but it's not really applicable in a large variety of situations.

So what should I do?

Well the first thing I did was record an impromptu podcast using Spreaker and in addition I used Meerkat for the first live stream of my podcast ever and the first time I've recorded on spreaker for the podcast.  Want to find out more about what happened?  Click below to listen now:

Well I have a confession to make.  There's no secret but I've wanted to use that graphic for a long time!

I do actually have a really cool feature I would love to share with you about the new Facebook Organic Targeting for Post.  This feature went live a few days ago and looks promising for increasing the amount of natural reach your post have and could increase engagement.

Actually the video you'll notice is an embedded video from Facebook and not YouTube.  I'll save that commentary for a different video, so for now check this out:

Here's the deal with Facebook's New Organic Targeting. How to turn it on and how it works

Posted by Vernon Ross on Thursday, March 26, 2015

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