The Confidence to Quit with John Lee Dumas Ep 19

Would you be willing to walk away from a $100,00 plus a year job? John Lee Dumas from EntrepreneurOnFire did just that, but not only did he quit to follow his passion John had a plan. In under a year John took his podcast EntrepreneurOnFire from nothing to a six figure a month business through sponsorship and… Continue reading The Confidence to Quit with John Lee Dumas Ep 19

Michael O’Neal is Proudly Unemployable Ep18

What a great time I has talking with Michael O’Neal about everything from his interesting background to how he runs his multiple streams of income.  Most of you may not know this but Michael has several years experience in the IT industry and was the creative director for a major company before leaving it all… Continue reading Michael O’Neal is Proudly Unemployable Ep18